Monday, 7 October 2024

Age Of The Hoodie

Age Of The Hoodie. Solo exhibit as part of Clay Week Nelson

@ Lee Woodman Studios, Whakatū Nelson. 27 Sep - 5 Oct 2024

14 miniatures. Wood-fired, salt and soda glazed local porcelain with cobalt slips.



As part of Etched in Fire group show, for Clay Week Nelson

Hot Clay, Whakatū Nelson, Sept 27 - Oct 2024

Wood fired, salt and soda glazed, local stoneware clays




Untitled (Pohuehue)

As part of Offering It Up, curated by, and in collaboration with Sophia Smolenski. 

@ Te Pātaka Toi Adam Art Gallery, Pōneke Wellington. 12 Aug to 29 Oct 2023

Participants were asked to respond to object mounts made by Sophia. 

Object mount with Pohuehue (Muehlenbekia Australis)


Photos by Ted Whitaker and Sophia Smolenski


As part of Pushing Clay Uphill, for Clay Week Nelson. 

@ Refinery Artspace, Whakatū Nelson, Oct 2022

Anagama-fired Stoneware, wood-turned Jarrah and bolts. 

(Pushing Clay Uphill Merit Award)




Salt N' Soda Kiln

Wood-fired salt and soda phoenix kiln, built at Torea Granity, Te Tai O Poutini West Coast.

Built summer 2022

This kiln was built from approximately 400 Kamo Firebricks from the old Ngākawau Briquette Factory, which was built in the 60's by one government, then later demolished by a following government. I adapted the design from an old NZ potters diesel-blower kiln with a bigger firebox and grate so that it can be fired with local driftwood. As it is top-loading, it has a 20" x 24" kiln shelf as a lid with a layer of kaowool on top, and three 12" x 20" shelves as the floor between firebox and the ware chamber. 

The top third of the chimney is a steel flue, wrapped in kaowool. I fire it four times a year, once every season, using mostly clays from the Waitakere Charleston area.


Smoke Drawing

As part of Shared Lines Pūtahitanga, Otautahi, Christchurch.

Christchurch Square, September-December 2020

As part of a group 'exquisite corpse' drawing, made by smoke traveling through a clay vessel.

Mānuka smoke on paper