Wednesday, 20 July 2016

International Foodcourt / Global Classic

With Annie Mackenzie

04 June- 09 July 2016

Artist Talk and Juice Sculpture Saturday 4 June, 12 Noon. Artist talks: Annie Mackenzie, Dave Marshall & Bridget Reweti

The Physics Room: International Foodcourt/Global ClassicAnnie Mackenzie & Dave Marshall04 June to 09 July


Gallery Photos: Daegan Wells


Built 2016 overlooking Te Whanganui-A-Tara, Newlands Wellington.

Fired with pine for approximately 20 hours (30 the first time!) All local clays and ash glazes. 10 firings in a space of two years. Dismantled 2018. 

Thanks to Wellington Potters Association and Geoff and Linda Saville for the loan of firebricks, and the Morse Family for the use of their property.